UltraWave Long-Range Pipe Inspection Level 1

IMGP3064Course Overview
This training course provides guided wave inspectors with knowledge and hands-on experience with basic guided wave theory, operation of the UltraWave hardware and software, data collection procedures, and basic data analysis for basic pipe configurations. The course comprises lectures, in-class data review, hands-on data collection, and independent data review. The course is approximately 1/3 in-class and 2/3 hands-on and data review. The course concludes with a written examination, a practical examination, and an analysis/reporting examination.


Successful graduates of this course should:

  • have a basic understanding of guided waves in pipes and the fundamentals of how the UltraWave guided wave system works
  • be able to assemble the UltraWave hardware, install a collar on a pipe, carry out a system calibration and data quality check, and disassemble the system
  • be able to navigate the UltraWave software to set up jobs, collect data, analyze data, and generate reports
  • be able to carry out preliminary analyses of UltraWave guided wave data from basic pipeline configurations, including straight sections of pipe sections up to 600’ in length
  • collect and interpret axisymmetric F-scans and A-scans as well as synthetic and active focusing data
  • understand the basic capabilities and limitations of the technology

Course Topics

  1. Fundamentals
    1. Responsibilities of Level 1, 2, and 3 guided wave inspectors
    2. Common defects in pipelines
    3. Guided waves in the framework of a pipeline integrity management program
    4. Introduction to guided waves for NDT
  2. The UltraWave LRT system
    1. Operation and assembly of the hardware components
    2. Navigation and operation of the software
    3. Manufacturer-recommended inspection procedure
  3. Guided Wave Inspection Theory and Concepts
    1. Fundamentals of waves
    2. Bulk wave ultrasound and ultrasonic testing (UT)
    3. Basic guided wave theory
    4. Theory of guided waves in pipes
    5. Guided wave focusing methods
    6. Application of guided wave theory to real-world inspections
    7. Overview of ASTM standards for guided wave inspection
  4. Preliminary Guided Wave Data Analysis
    1. Creating sketches and recording pipeline information
    2. Recognizing data quality
    3. Interpreting the F-scan and A-scan waveforms
    4. Generating and interpreting synthetic and active focusing scans
    5. Identifying known reflectors such as welds, supports, and other features
    6. Identifying phantom indications
    7. Setting DAC curves
    8. Classifying defects
    9. Generating reports


This course is intended to provide students with a basic understanding of guided waves in pipes, to provide them with the knowledge and tools to follow an inspection procedure to collect high-quality guided wave data on basic pipelines perform a preliminary analysis of data from these pipelines, and to provide them with a knowledge of the functionality and operation of the UltraWave LRT hardware and software. Basic pipelines are considered to be straight, above-ground pipeline sections up to 600’ in length with mildly attenuative coatings. The scope of this course is based on international standards and practices.